Corporate Worship
It is important for followers of Christ to spend regular time with other believers. Jesus says that as Christians we are all members of one body, His body.
Our worship services are casual in dress, but not in expectation. We have high expectations to meet with the living Savior each week as we sing and hear from Him through His word.

Gospel Communities
As followers of Jesus we know that we can no longer just hear the word (you know... just showing up on Sundays). We must be doers of the word.
Our Gospel Communities are families of missionary servants and serve the purpose of helping us to obey God in all the "one another" commands.
Our GCs meet weekly in homes around a meal. We strive for spiritual growth and accountability while seeking opportunities to reach our community.

DNA groups are our smaller, 2-4 same-gender-groups that meet for discipleship, nurture, and accountability. These groups serve the purpose of growing deeper in discipleship and sanctification.
DNA Groups